Acting/Film | Theatric Awards
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Acting and TV Syllabus at Theatric Awards
Welcome to the heart of creativity, skill-building, and personal growth – the Acting and TV syllabus at Theatric Awards. We're not just here to conduct exams; our mission is to lay the foundation of essential skills that every student and teacher should possess. Our syllabus is a gateway to the latest developments in the dynamic acting and TV industry, nurtured through imaginative and original content.
Building More Than Skills: A Foundation for Success
Beyond exams, we're dedicated to equipping students and teachers with a comprehensive set of skills. Our syllabus is designed with a purpose, to in still generic skills that are indispensable for success in the acting and TV arena. Whether you're pursuing a career or simply honing a hobby, our syllabus acts as the bedrock of your journey.
Evolution in Action: Stay Current, Stay Creative
The acting industry is in a constant state of evolution. We don't just acknowledge this; we embrace it. Our syllabus is a living entity, featuring the latest developments and trends. Creativity is at the forefront of our approach. We empower students and teachers to explore innovative techniques and concepts, preparing them for the ever-changing landscape.
Promoting Confidence, Celebrating Diversity
Confidence and diversity are cornerstones of success. Our syllabus is carefully crafted to nurture these aspects. Through imaginative exercises and activities, we promote confidence-building. Moreover, we celebrate individuality and diversity, recognizing that every student brings a unique perspective to the craft.
Rewards for Creativity: Celebrate Your Uniqueness
At Theatric Awards, we treasure individuality. We don't just teach; we reward creativity. Our syllabus is designed to stimulate your imagination, encouraging you to explore uncharted territories. Creativity isn't just acknowledged; it's greatly rewarded. Your journey with us is about more than rote learning – it's about crafting your own narrative.
Your All-in-One Solution: From Learning to Career
Our syllabus isn't just a path to exams; it's a blueprint for a successful acting or TV career. It provides a deep understanding of the nuanced details that shape a performer's journey. But it's not just for aspiring professionals; it's also for those who want to enhance their hobby and enrich their passion.
Authentic Monologues and Duologues: Elevating Your Performance
To truly ignite your potential, we've curated specifically written monologues and duologues for Theatric Awards. These pieces are designed to challenge you, inspire you, and take your performance to new heights. With our unique content, you're poised to captivate and conquer the stage.
Welcome to the Journey
Embrace the journey of growth, creativity, and empowerment. The Acting and TV syllabus at Theatric Awards is your gateway to a world of endless possibilities. Unveil your talent, refine your skills, and celebrate your uniqueness. With us, you're not just learning; you're evolving into an exceptional performer..

Specifically written monologues and duologues for Theatric Awards


Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3 
Grade 4
Grade 5
Opal Award
Diamond Award 
Crystal Award


Script work 

Sight reading 

Physical Theatre


Warm up 



Creative writing 


Solo - Regulated
Duo - non regulated
Group - non regulated


Content insight:


Purchase the online 2.5 hours acting course online. You can go over  this in your own time. Including a 1-2-1 after your course.

  • You will be taken through all the grades, what is required, and the inter connections.

  • The resources and extra ideas provided,  The Student section and what to provide in classes along with lesson plan ideas. Improvisation book



Online course

JANUARY SALE now £40.00


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